can i wash wool with normal detergent

Can I Wash Wool with Normal Detergent?

So, you've got a lovely woolly jumper that's in need of a clean, but you're wondering, “Can I wash wool with normal detergent?” The short answer? No. Wool, with its delicate fibres, requires extra love and care.

That's why we, the laundry care experts, have put together this comprehensive guide to answer your question.

In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of wool care, exploring topics such as how much detergent to use when washing wool and dispelling common myths.

Whether you're a seasoned laundry enthusiast or a newcomer to wool care, we've got you covered! Get ready to learn everything you need to know to keep your wonderful woollens looking their best.

What this article covers:

Wool Care: Can I Use Normal Detergent?

From our experience, using normal detergent on wool can be a bit risky. While it may seem convenient, we've found that it can be too harsh for delicate wool fibres, leading to shrinkage and damage over time.

However, there's more to consider than just the fabric's integrity. When it comes to wool care, it's essential to ensure that bacteria are effectively eliminated.

So, the question remains - “does detergent kill bacteria?”, more specifically, in your wool garments. Well, when it comes to killing bacteria in your woollens, regular detergent may not be as effective as specialised wool detergents.

How to Choose the Right Laundry Detergent

When selecting the appropriate laundry detergent for wool, we recommend considering the distinction between bio vs non bio detergent.

Bio detergents contain enzymes that can effectively break down stains and dirt, which is advantageous no matter what type of fabric you're cleaning.

Typically, non-bio detergents are considered milder and gentler, making them a safe choice for preserving the integrity of your woollens.

However, we at Dip have created the perfect blend. We've formulated our laundry detergent sheets with enzymes to give you the perfect clean every time while ensuring that they are suitable for delicate fabrics like wool.

In general, we advise opting for a gentle detergent that is labelled as being suitable for wool items. These detergents are designed to effectively clean wool garments while being gentle enough to maintain their softness and beauty wash after wash.

By choosing the right detergent, you can ensure that your woollens receive the care they deserve, prolonging their lifespan and keeping them looking their best.

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How to Wash Wool in a Washing Machine

Washing wool in a machine can indeed appear intimidating at first glance, but rest assured, we are here to guide you through the process with confidence!

Based on our observations, we have found that utilising a wool or delicate cycle with cold water, coupled with the appropriate detergent, can result in outstanding outcomes.

By selecting the wool or delicate cycle, you ensure that your wool garments are treated with the utmost care, preventing unnecessary agitation and potential damage.

Cold water is gentle on wool fibres, helping to maintain their softness and shape throughout the washing process. A bio detergent with enzymes is effective in cold water too, ensuring your garments get a good clean!

And don't forget these extra precautions! Turn your garments inside out to minimise friction and pilling, and use a mesh laundry bag for an added layer of protection against snagging and stretching.

How to Hand Wash Wool Clothes

Washing wool clothes by hand offers a personal touch and ensures gentle care for your cherished garments. At Dip, we advocate for this method as it allows you to maintain control over the washing process while keeping your wool items in pristine condition.

To start, fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a small quantity of wool detergent or one of our convenient laundry sheets.

As you submerge your wool clothes, gently agitate the water to distribute the detergent evenly and facilitate thorough cleaning. Take care not to rub or wring the fabric excessively, as this could lead to damage or distortion of the fibres.

Once your garments are clean, rinse them under cool water until all traces of detergent are removed.

Finally, lay your wool clothes flat to dry, reshaping them if necessary to maintain their original form

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Debunking Common Myths About Washing Wool

Let's dispel some wool-washing myths, shall we? We've found that contrary to popular belief, wool can be washed with gentle detergents without fear of damage. Just be sure to follow proper care instructions for best results

Is Wool Difficult To Care For?

Wool care often carries a reputation for being challenging, but we're here to debunk that myth. At Dip, we've discovered that caring for wool garments is simpler than commonly believed. While it's true that wool requires some attention, it's not the high-maintenance fabric it's often portrayed to be.

Our experience has shown that a gentle approach, such as hand washing with lukewarm water and a mild detergent, can work wonders in preserving the quality of wool.

By providing proper care, you can extend the lifespan of your wool garments significantly, allowing you to enjoy their warmth and comfort for many seasons to come.

How Often Should You Wash Wool?

Wool garments don't require frequent washing. Unless heavily soiled, we suggest adopting a less-is-more approach to washing them.

Airing out your woollens between wears can effectively refresh them, allowing them to maintain their freshness without the need for washing after every wear.

Spot cleaning is another useful technique that can help remove stains and odours without subjecting the entire garment to a wash cycle unnecessarily.

When it comes to how to get bad smells out of laundry, particularly your wool laundry, we've found that sunshine and fresh air work wonders. Hanging your wool items outside on a sunny day can help eliminate any lingering odours naturally.

Additionally, gentle brushing with a soft-bristled brush can help remove any surface dirt or odours, keeping your wool garments looking and smelling fresh between washes.

Reading The Label

When it comes to caring for your wool garments, reading the label is a crucial step that can't be overlooked. We always emphasise the importance of checking the care label before washing wool items.

This simple action provides invaluable insight into the specific care instructions tailored to your garment. It helps you avoid potential mishaps and ensures that your beloved woollens remain in tip-top condition.

Whether it's understanding the recommended water temperature, proper drying methods, or specific detergents to use, the care label serves as a guide to preserving the quality and longevity of your wool clothing.

laundry washing sheets


For optimal wool care, it's crucial to avoid using harsh detergents. We here at Dip recommend opting for a gentle wool detergent to preserve the quality of your woollens.

Your garments will thank you for this extra care, maintaining their softness and durability.

Ready to provide your woolly wonders with the care they deserve? Explore Dip's laundry detergent sheets for a gentle yet effective cleaning solution.

If you want to learn more, why not check out these articles below:

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